The lone Tory who is here says never. I am not too worried about that, quite frankly. But I really think that the government itself needs to be pushed on the vision of what Canada should look like.
We are having to do it ourselves internally because Reform members spend their time trying to figure out: “Here is one couple, they get this. Here is another couple, they get that”. Can we imagine what the people at home are thinking? They just do not get it.
Let us get real. Let us get serious about why they are in opposition. I really would like to see them focus on the issues that Canadians put them there for.
The thing that is important to me is the vision of the Liberal Party. I have urged the ministers involved, now that we have our fiscal house in order, to put together the vision for the new millennium. Our vision is going to carry us for about 50 years if it is a good vision, as the visions of past generations have done.
I think the Minister of Finance has done an excellent job of starting that process, of putting us in line to have this great debate. I look forward to the debate. I look forward to the different visions because in the end Canadians will decide. So far they have bought the Liberal Party's vision and have said to the other parties “No thanks. We don't agree with you. We think you are way off base”.
Let us get into the next phase. The next few budgets will really define where we go as Canadians.