Mr. Speaker, Arthur Friedrich of Calgary and his family are carrying out a very effective tax revolt. They are packing up and moving to the United States. He was a Liberal supporter and worked on the heritage minister's election campaign but sadly, he is now giving up on Canada because of taxes.
He comments that if he were cynical he would say that the government's attitude is to punish success. Mr. Friedrich and his wife scrimped and saved to build professional careers and security for their family but found that they were bludgeoned with more taxes every time they got a pay raise.
He said “I see my investments and pension evaporating before my eyes and the government doesn't seem to care. As a former Liberal, the decline of Canada is a bitter pill to swallow. I deeply wish things were different. I like Canada and I had really wanted to stay, but I no longer see any future for my children in this land”.
Does that not say it all.