Madam Speaker, finally we have awakened what the government has been trying to put to sleep for the last couple of years. I want to address that issue further.
In 1993-94 farmers were stuck with millions of bushels of fusarium wheat that was declared toxic and unsaleable by the government. Farmers found a market for it. Farmers started exporting that worthless wheat and saved taxpayers millions of dollars. After they had developed a market the government interfered. It wanted to stop it so it charged David Sawatzky from my riding. Without any representation in the court the poor farmer beat the charge and proved to the government that it had no right to charge him.
The government appealed that. Then what happened? The government lost. It turned around and charged 175 farmers. They are being prosecuted on that same issue. Has the government dealt in good faith with anybody? Nobody. This is Cuban-style dictatorship. If it is allowed to continue, we might as well shut down the House or burn it down because it would be useless.
People are being mistreated. People are in jail. What can we do? Why did people send us here? It was certainly not for something like this. We could have that in a different country. We do not need Canada for that. Why are we sitting back and allowing it to happen?
There is a trial in Brandon, Manitoba, on the same issue. If members want to know if I am telling the truth, they should come to Brandon, Manitoba. Now there is a suspicion that even court documents have been doctored to prosecute the farmers. What next?
We have a prime example of what has happened over on that side. We have a prime example that we have a government that is worse than the Mulroney government. Why should people support it? In the next election they will show the government where to go, out the door.