Mr. Speaker, on this issue it is very difficult to show temperance but I will try. I will withdraw that. What did I just withdraw?
I say this for the benefit of the Canadian people. The government killed Bill C-251, a bill that would keep in jail violent criminals, criminals who commit the most heinous and serious crimes, a bill that would end the volume discounts where, if a person commits three murders, they would only serve time for one and if a person rapes three or four or five women, they would only serve time for one. That is the way the law is now. This would have changed it. This would have provided for consecutive sentencing.
This government clearly displayed yesterday that it supports violent criminals being treated in the most lenient manner possible. That is the message it sent out yesterday. That is the message this government sent out yesterday when it destroyed Bill C-251.
I sat there in utter amazement as I watched this bill destroyed in under five seconds. All the efforts of the member for Mississauga East in putting this bill forward, the turncoating of the Liberal members who supported her bill in second reading, now cast aside as if it were some worthless piece of paper.
I think the Liberals showed no support for law enforcement officers. They have clearly demonstrated in everything they have done in justice terms that they do not support police forces in this country. They do not support law-abiding citizens. Who are they supporting? They appear to be supporting and have given credibility to the thought that the people they support are the people who commit crimes.