Mr. Speaker, once upon a time there was an ogre named Canadosaurus. He shared his cave with ten dwarfs who were bound in servitude to him. The fattest was called Ontariette, and the prettiest, Québequine.
To reward them for their loyalty, the ogre gave each of them 100 crowns a year to help them feed their children. He called these social transfers.
One day, in order to pay off his debts, the ogre decided to reduce their annual stipend from 100 to 50 crowns each. Soon forced to feed her children nothing but bread and water, Québequine made known her indignation, but her sisters submitted without complaint. That, of course, was because they loved the ogre.
One day, tired of the protests of Québequine, the ogre announced that the dwarfs' stipend would now be 70 crowns. “See how kind I am”, he said, trying to look sincere. “Seventy crowns?”, exclaimed Québequine. “You are a thief and a robber. I want my 100 crowns”. “Ungrateful wretch”, shouted the ogre. “I give you an extra 20 crowns and you cannot even say thank you”.