Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay respect to a very honourable group of men and women who have dedicated their lives to serve and protect Canadians. They have come to Ottawa from all across Canada. They are our frontline police officers.
Members of the Canadian Police Association are meeting with members of parliament and they are here in the gallery today. Their message is simple. We need to restore balance to Canada's ailing justice system. The Liberal government has failed to listen to these credible spokespersons who have gained their valuable insights from working the streets of this country.
Canada's police officers want appropriate penalties for crimes committed which means consecutive, not concurrent, sentences. They want section 745 of the Criminal Code scrapped. They want a properly funded DNA databank to eliminate the 600 cases backlogged and they want the legislation amended so samples can be taken at the time of arrest or charge. They need adequate budgets. Cash strapped police forces cannot adequately combat crime. Hopefully the government will listen to the real law and order experts, our frontline police officers.