Mr. Speaker, clearly we are. We are involved aggressively with our allies in a war to try to resolve a problem.
I do not think anyone in this place would question the intentions or the desire to bring peace to that region. Part of the reason I have difficulty with the concept is that we would have a debate in here about whether or not the next step in our military deployment should be this or should be that.
Think about it. There is a potential of putting our armed forces at risk. We are going to say to Mr. Milosevic “Hold on. We are going to have a debate in parliament. Don't do anything. We will get back to you. We have all our men lined up and ready to go with weapons cocked but we have to have a debate in this place called parliament in Canada and then we have to have a vote and we will decide whether or not we are going to deploy our troops”.
Never before in the history of this country would that kind of process have been undertaken. It was not undertaken in 1939 when this country joined forces to fight the Nazis. It was not undertaken when we declared war against imperial Japan. It was not undertaken when we declared war on Korea. It is unbelievable to think that a responsible parliamentarian would want us to have some kind of debate and a vote. Imagine what would happen.
What kind of message would we be sending if for some reason the vote was extremely close? We know with a majority government we could carry it. I do not believe that the official opposition or anyone in opposition wants to send a message of instability or mixed messages to the people who are putting their lives on the line. I just do not believe it.
I will read a quote and then say who said it. “It is also our view as I wrote the Prime Minister on March 31 that once the decision was made to commit Canadian air forces to the NATO effort in Yugoslavia, we in this parliament should not engage in second guessing the mission when it has scarcely begun. Rather, we should offer our steadfast support, our political support, our moral support, our vocal support to those brave Canadian personnel who are involved”. The Leader of the Official Opposition said that on April 12, 1999.
We would have to say that is a responsible position to take. Once again it is not often I throw accolades to the official opposition. I think it makes sense to take a position such as this when people are putting their lives on the line.
This is another quote which was made in this place. “I would say right up front on behalf of the NDP caucus that we certainly support the idea that Canada should fulfill its international obligations and should take every measure possible to try to end the suffering, to end the senseless bloodshed that occurs in a lot of these countries and to bring about some humanitarian efforts and to try to stabilize the countries”.
That was said by the New Democratic Party critic, the member for Halifax West. Again, I think that is a responsible position that an opposition party should take.
To politicize this war into the opportunism we hear during question period or that we hear members opposite making is frightening. Frankly it is dangerous. We are not going into a war by committee. We are not going into a war where we have to say “Hold on, we will get back to you. We have not had a vote yet. There are 301 people in our parliament who need to vote on this”. We would be tying the hands of the military leaders. We would be tying the hands of the government to require such a thing to occur. I do not think Canadians are fooled by the rhetoric which would suggest that somehow we should do it that way.
I have a couple of points about what is going on in the region. Many will recall a debate in this place that was somewhat rancorous. It was about whether or not members of parliament should have a small Canadian flag on their desks. I recall it rather well. There were cars painted with the Canadian flag driving around Parliament Hill; all kinds of my nationalism is bigger than your nationalism; all kinds of attempts at one-upmanship. Frankly, I think we were as guilty as some members opposite who engaged in that debate.
My colleague, the member from Owen Sound, made a very interesting remark to me. He said “What really bothers me about this is it is nationalism and it is dangerous”. There is a difference between being proud of our country and standing up and shouting and yelling we are the best or we are the strongest. What we are seeing in Kosovo and in Yugoslavia is nationalism and tribalism gone mad.
In 1990 as a member of the provincial legislature I was part of a parliamentary delegation that witnessed the first free elections since the second world war in Croatia. I spent time in Zagreb and went down the coast and met with many Croatian people. I remember on election day people queuing up to vote with tears in their eyes because they had not had that freedom under Tito. This was their opportunity to say “ Zivjela Hrvatska ”. This was their opportunity to vote for independence, to vote for a strong Croatia. We are in the same region.
The other night when I was watching a newscast I heard one of the commentators, I think it was Henry Kissinger say that what we have in this part of the world is irreconcilable hatred. We have to think about that. It is absolutely true. I do not know how we resolve the hatred and the passion that people feel. I am not sure we could even understand it, never mind resolve it. I do not know how we can suggest that we are going to magically sit down at a peace table and resolve a conflict that is not 10 or 20 years old but hundreds of years old, perhaps thousands of years old. That conflict is there in such a personal fashion it is hard to conceive.
In no circumstances could I support putting our soldiers at risk in that theatre. To suggest that we have a vote on this issue would do that and it would send the wrong message. We should be supporting our personnel. I support them as I hope all members will.