Mr. Speaker, as far as the pension account is concerned, all those affected will get their pension money regardless. In fact they will get their promised benefits for the law requires the government to make sure that there is always enough money in those accounts.
If we look at the editorial in the Toronto Star today entitled “Whose Pension Surplus”, the government has always, even in times of deficit, covered this particular plan.
The fearmongering we hear on the other side has absolutely no basis in fact. The government has done exactly what it has done in the past, that is keeping up with its responsibility of assuming all of the financial risk of the public service pension plan. We will do that again if and when the need arises.
Members on the opposite side would prefer that deficits be allowed simply to lie where the accounts, unattended, increase to no end and to no purpose. We are asking for a purpose.
Reform Party members in the past supported the government position. Talk about changing positions. They flip flop as if they are acrobatics on the other side. Canadian taxpayers feel secure in knowing that it is covered. We are clearly showing prudence and doing the right thing. Every member will in fact be protected by the actions of the government.