Mr. Speaker, I can give the assurance that there are effective monitoring programs in place. Fisheries enforcement is a priority for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and every effort was made to protect the enforcement program from budget reductions. A number of steps have been taken to improve enforcement effectiveness.
Under a national recruitment strategy over 100 new fishery officers have been hired in the last three years. Physical fitness and competency standards have been developed for fishery officers along with new training courses, including one on forensic auditing.
Operating budgets have been increased and new surveillance equipment, computers and patrol boats have been purchased to augment program effectiveness. In addition, the department is reviewing the mix of enforcement resources and examining ways to better utilize data collected.
Major improvements are being made to dockside monitoring programs in 1999. Dockside monitoring companies will be required to meet standards set by DFO and will be subject to checks and audits.
The at sea observer program will also undergo a major review in 1999 which will include the development of criteria for setting observer coverage levels. We have learned from the groundfish collapse and we are determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Conservation of the resources is the department's first and foremost priority.
Shellfish resources have been healthy and abundant in the 1990s. It is important to note that every shellfish fishery is managed through specific conservation measures such as minimum size, quotas, specific fishing areas and a limited number of licences. DFO's decisions on shellfish allocation are based on established criteria with conservation being the first priority. Where temporary sharing of abundant shellfish resources is authorized, it is done in such a manner that it ensures harvesting capacity does not increase on a permanent basis.
The auditor general has recommended that the department should clearly define its policies. I am happy to tell the member and the House that DFO has already begun a full review of its Atlantic fishery policy.