Madam Speaker, I hate to dominate the debate but I did give others the opportunity to stand before I stood for the second time.
I need to get my head around this. There is certainly the view that some Canadians may spend it outside the country. The fact is that if it is earned in Canada, it is taxed in Canada. Surely the member is not going to be in favour of passing laws that say people face some financial penalty if they invest their money outside the country. I am sure he would not be contemplating that.
I want to make a comment and again have a response with respect to how people spend their money. I am quite convinced that a member of the NDP would certainly favour reducing the money that flows from the poor to the rich. What is happening is that not only collectively as taxpayers and as citizens do we owe a lot of money to the big financiers and the large financial corporations, but also as individuals. People are loaded with debt like they have never been before. It could just be that with a tax cut those individuals would be able to reduce their debt and certainly we should reduce it as a country so that we end up transferring less of the earnings of those in the middle to lower income class to the rich class.
I think the hon. member should be in favour of that. I would like his comment.