Mr. Speaker, I will retract that. But the government is taking their money. Those men and women are on the other side of the world fighting for Canada. At the very same time their own government is confiscating their pension plan funds to the tune of $30 billion, from the public service union, from the RCMP and from the armed forces. That is wrong. That is so dead wrong. Thirty billion dollars.
I hope when we stand up to vote on this that some of the government members will actually look at what they are doing. They have to be held accountable. They should be focusing their priorities on these very groups where the morale is so low.
It is so real in British Columbia. RCMP officers have come up to me individually to tell me how tight cash is. It is absolutely unacceptable that the government has cut back the budget of the RCMP so much that they cannot fill the vacant positions. They have grounded all boats. They have grounded the drug squads in Vancouver. They have cancelled overtime. It is not acceptable.
At the very same time, what is the government doing? We have seen examples. The one I just heard about today is a $55,000 grant for Bubbles Galore a sex fantasy porn film. Another one which comes to mind is the outright grant of $100,000 that went to some person to write a dumb blond joke book. The list goes on and on. It is outrageous that the government can even consider this.