Mr. Speaker, I rise to report a shocking story of violence being done to innocent human life, the sanctity of conscience and freedom of the press.
We have recently learned that at the Calgary Foothills hospital there are procedures being performed known as genetic terminations which are really eugenic infanticide. The hospital routinely induces premature labour of mothers whose unborn children are suspected of having some imperfection. These late term babies are delivered only to be left to die without medical attention or nourishment. In one case an attending nurse has described how an apparently viable baby was left for some 12 hours without care until it died.
According to hospital documents that I have obtained, nurses with moral objections are forced to participate in these obscene acts.
In an effort to cover up this scandal the Foothills hospital obtained a court order requiring the magazine that broke this story not to report on its details.
I have asked the attorney general and the Calgary police chief to investigate whether these procedures violate the Criminal Code's homicide provisions and they have agreed to do so.
While there are those in this current culture who would seek to kill the imperfect, infanticide is still against the law.