Mr. Speaker, I strongly support Bill C-235. Those who oppose the bill argue that it will lead to higher prices for consumers. That is completely false and misleading.
Under this bill vertically integrated suppliers can still charge whatever retail price they want for a product. The bill only seeks to create a level playing field by providing wholesale consumers with an opportunity to purchase product from a supplier at a price that allows them to compete at the retail level.
This bill is not an attack on big business. It comes out of the clear evidence that predator pricing does occur, which lessens competition and costs consumers.
Bill C-235 seeks to protect free, open and true competition. Without a level playing field in which to conduct business Canada will have only a few large companies controlling an entire market with no true competition.
On that note, I move:
That Motion No. 2 be amended
(a) by replacing paragraph 50.1(2)(a) with the following:
“(a) the vertically integrated supplier's own retail price in the same market area or”
(b) by deleting subsection 50.1(3).