Mr. Speaker, today the people of Taber, Alberta, are mourning and the people of Canada are mourning with them.
In the House, in homes and workplaces and in schools across Canada the terrible events of last week have been in the minds and hearts of millions of people: the loss of young Jason Lang, the injury of another young student, the violation of the sanctity of a school in a proud community, a place where young lives should be developed, given hope and promise, not snuffed out, not scared; a place to build dreams, not live nightmares.
We are not a violent people and yet our lives are too often punctuated by such tragedies: the massacre at the École Polytechnique a decade ago and now the tragedy in Taber.
The loss of a young life is never easy to understand or accept. Such a senseless act can never truly be explained. And the loss and emptiness it leaves behind can never be filled.
All we can do is show our support and our solidarity and share the pain and the grieving.
To the family of Jason Lang, whose father over the past several days has shown us the meaning of true bravery and generosity, to all the families who have been touched by this tragedy, to the people of Taber, the whole of Canada is with you. You are in our thoughts and our prayers. Your loss is the loss of all of us.