Motion No. 230
That Bill C-32, in Clause 342, be amended by replacing line 35 on page 216 with the following:
“prepare and cause to be laid before each House of Parliament”
Motion No. 231
That Bill C-32, in Clause 343, be amended by replacing lines 44 to 47 on page 216 and lines 1 to 8 on page 217 with the following:
“force of this Act, stand referred to such committee of the House of Commons, of the Senate or of both Houses of Parliament as may be designated or established for that purpose.
(2) The committee designated or established for the purpose of subsection (1) shall, as soon as practicable, undertake a comprehensive review of the provisions and operation of this Act and shall, within one year after the review is undertaken or within such further time as the House of Commons, the Senate or both Houses of Parliament, as the case may be, may authorize, submit a report to Parliament thereon,”
Motion No. 233
That Bill C-32 be amended by adding after line 29 on page 219 the following new clause: 355.1 (1) Subject to subsection (2), any regulation that was ( a ) made under the Act mentioned in section 355, and ( b ) in force immediately before the day on which this Act is assented to is deemed to have been made under this Act, and continues in force, subject to being amended or repealed under this Act.
(2) If a regulation continued in force by subsection (1) is not consistent with this Act at the end of the two-year period that starts on the day on which this Act is assented to, that regulation ceases to be in force at the end of that period.”