Mr. Speaker, the Canada Post Corporation Act says that Canada Post is not expected to pay dividends to the government. Instead, surplus revenues should pay for improved services and provide decent wages and benefits for postal workers. However, Canada Post will be giving $200 million to the federal government as a dividend payment.
Meanwhile, Canadians are worried about their postal services. In Sackville there are super mailboxes which freeze in the winter. In Shediac there are long line-ups. In Richibucto the post office building is for sale. More and more it seems that Canada Post's only concern is to make profits. Could it be to make deregulation or privatization easier?
The NDP strongly believes that Canada is best served by keeping Canada Post as a public service. Deregulating or removing the post office's monopoly would increase postal rates in rural areas, raise post office deficits and eliminate postal services and jobs.
Canada Post should work toward offering better service to all Canadians.