Mr. Speaker, there is an old saying that when you are thirsty it is too late to think about digging a well. When it comes to emergency preparedness this principle is no less true.
That is why in support of Emergency Preparedness Week some remarkable leadership students from Mount Slesse Middle School of Chilliwack, B.C., will hold a safety fair tomorrow to educate the community on how to prepare for an emergency, whether a flood, earthquake, fire or chemical spill. Such information is timely and incredibly valuable even as the Fraser River threatens to overflow its banks in Chilliwack later this month.
Therefore on behalf of the honourable House I thank the emergency professionals who are giving their time and energy to support this event and to help the community prepare for such an emergency.
Most of all, I thank and congratulate the students of Mount Slesse Middle School for their leadership, their motivation, and for helping to teach our community that today's preparation determines tomorrow's success and safety.