Mr. Speaker, let me start by telling the member opposite that there is no head tax in the country. For him to stand in his place and try to trivialize a tragic time in the country's history is despicable. I think the member should be ashamed of himself.
I will get back to the other issues he was speaking about. I will enlighten him by pointing out that both governments are working to protect the borders because movement occurs in both directions. This is not a one way street. I will also take this opportunity to mention a handful of collaborative initiatives between Canada and the U.S.
First, both governments have taken concrete steps to systematically and regularly share information on known or suspected terrorists to ensure their early detection. Second, a new information sharing tool to support daily immigration enforcement efforts is near completion. Third, exchanges of information on visa issuance resulting in illegal immigration are now formalized and systematic.
Last but not least, let me remind the member opposite in the Reform Party that it is this government which announced the shared border accord with the United States in 1995. It is this government that took that accord one step further and solidified its commitment on the immigration front by establishing several joint working groups in order to build a comprehensive Canada-U.S. strategy for the future. This initiative is called Border Vision. The concrete examples I described earlier are a direct product of this initiative.
Suffice it to say, we have more vision that my Reform colleague who obviously is not aware of the testimony of all witnesses who appeared before the U.S. judiciary committee's immigration and claims subcommittee. If the member were, he would know that the vast majority of witnesses spoke of the close co-operation between the U.S. and Canada to combat the trafficking of drugs and illegal immigration.
Let me conclude by saying that members of the Reform Party talk about immigration and refugee policies. They cannot get past their noses. They keep talking about criminality, criminality, criminality. The member is wrong, wrong, wrong.