Mr. Speaker, since 1974 Youth Unlimited of Regina has been helping address problems for the city's young, problems many Canadians incorrectly assume exist only in the third world.
In the past decade the federal government has helped with the summer day camp. The federal government has advised however that it is not funding this year's camp. There was no consultation and no alternative sources of funding, just a plain no.
Clearly Regina MPs are not in the same league as the fabulously successful member of parliament for Saint-Maurice who was able to secure multiple grants and loans for Shawinigan enterprises often before a plan was submitted.
The Regina day camp has helped keep children off our streets. Also off the street this week is the executive director of Youth Unlimited in Regina. Maurice Kovatch is atop a flagpole on Albert Street trying to attract attention and secure donations to aid this worthwhile cause. It is a shame the government by its heartlessness forces this kind of bread and circuses on to causes which desperately need and deserve public support.