Mr. Speaker, the month of October has been designated Brain Tumour Awareness Month in Canada.
Each year approximately 10,000 Canadians of all ages are diagnosed with brain tumours. More than 100 different types of brain tumours have been identified. Brain tumours are the second leading cause of cancer death in children under the age of 20 and the third leading cause of cancer death in young adults between the ages of 20 and 39.
The mission of the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada is to collect funds for research, to provide support services to people with brain tumours and their families, and to provide information to the public.
I would like to quote for members the words written by a young woman, Krista, age 19, who understands better than any of us the devastation of cancer:
I look into the sky and what do I see? A castle, a rainbow, and dreams for me,
An end to this battle which I must fight, To rid my feelings of depression and fright.
An end to cancer is not far away, It will be here soon...Someday.
Let us hope and pray that the someday—