Today is a very special day for us. I would like to draw to the attention of hon. members the presence in our gallery of a group of truly extraordinary Canadians. They are the recipients of the Order of Canada.
Thanks to their exceptional achievements in various fields, these people have really made a difference for our country and their successes enhance the life of all Canadians.
We have invited the recipients to be with us. I am going to call out their names and I would ask them to stand and remain standing. I would ask hon. members to withhold their applause until I have introduced all of these extraordinary Canadians.
They are: Boyd M. Anderson, Annette Helene Augustine, Glen Merlyn Bagnell, Geoffrey E. H. Ballard, William John Antliff Bulman, Howard Reid Cable, Michael Christian de Pencier, France Gagnon Pratte, Sheldon Galbraith, André Jacques Galipeault, Irving Russell Gerstein, Elva Kyle, Gisèle Lamoureux, Reverend Garth Warren Legge, Helen Manyfingers, John Reid Morden, René Racine, Stanley George Reynolds, Marie Ada Shales, Shirley Sharzer, John Hebden Todd, Jocelyn Demers, Henri Dorion, Frank Hayden, Eva Sophie Prager, Donna M. Scott, Jeffrey Simpson and Robert Daniel Steadward.
These are the recipients of the Order of Canada.