Mr. Speaker, just before the interruption I pointed out some data. It was in response to demands such as this that the government developed a strategy for electronic commerce that the Prime Minister announced in September 1998. This strategy, designed to establish Canada as a world leader in the development and use of electronic commerce, was built around seven firsts in the areas of: consumer protection, tax neutrality, cryptography policy, standards, secure electronic commerce, digital signatures and privacy.
Today I am proud to report that with the final passage of this bill we will have achieved the seven firsts.
The protection of personal information has been recognized as a fundamental pillar of the global information society. For example, the European Union has a directive that came into force in 1998 that requires member states to block the flow of personal information to countries without adequate data protection. They are looking for the same elements that we have included in Bill C-6. The EU and Canada consider that legislative frameworks for the protection of privacy and personal information are a vital component of electronic commerce strategy and are beneficial to the evolution of the information society. Internationally, the European Union and Canada have committed to supporting a standard based approach to complement national frameworks.
Bill C-6 has already cleared the House and many hours have been devoted to its debate and passage. However, I would be remiss if I, on behalf of the Minister of Industry, did not take a moment to personally thank the Standing Committee on Industry for the excellent and exhaustive work it did to ensure that this legislation met the needs of all the stakeholders, including industry, consumer groups and Canadian citizens.
The Senate unanimously supported the bill's principles and agreed with its broad based approach to the protection of personal information. The standing Senate committee on social affairs, science and technology, the committee that studied the bill, described the bill as a masterpiece of electronic commerce that struck a very significant and delicately drawn balance between business and consumer interests.
While the bill was being examined by the Senate, Canada's health sector voiced serious concerns. This sector, uncertain as to the scope and applications of the bill, was concerned that it would not be able to get its systems and procedures under way in time. Many within the health care sector felt that they should be excluded from the legislation altogether. In response to these concerns, the Senate has proposed amendments to the bill that will allow the health sector one extra year from the time of proclamation to meet the requirements of the bill.
It should be stressed that the health sector is not being exempted from the legislation, nor should it be. Personal information is just too sensitive to be left unprotected. In no way do these amendments change the basic tenets of the legislation. The health sector is simply being given more time in which to prepare. As the bill is scheduled to be proclaimed and come into force on January 1, 2001, the amendments will give the health sector until January 1, 2002 to prepare for the coming into force of the legislation.
During this additional transition period, Industry Canada is ready to work with the entire health care sector, including commercial organizations, the provinces, Health Canada and other stakeholders to clarify any uncertainties on how Bill C-6 applies to them. Reasonable and practical solutions exist within the framework provided by the bill to ensure that the personal health information that is collected, used and disclosed in the course of commercial activities is protected by law.
Time is of the essence. This is a message that the government and stakeholders, including provincial and federal privacy commissioners, have voiced repeatedly. The Minister of Industry recently a received a letter from the Information Technology Association of Canada. Letters were also received from Canadians in support of Bill C-6, which included the Public Interest Advocacy Group, B.C. Civil Liberties Association, B.C. Freedom of Information and Privacy Association, the Canadian Health Coalition, Electronic Frontier Canada and Democracy Watch. The Canadian Marketing Association and the Insurance Council of Canada have also recently written to the federal government urging it to give royal assent immediately.
I agree with these stakeholders who are supportive of the bill. Consumers, businesses and the government are calling for royal assent of Bill C-6. The bottom line is that Bill C-6 is too important for the future of Canadians to delay it any further. For that reason, the government concurs with the amendments made by the Senate. Let us all work together to make this happen.