Mr. Speaker, the Liberal government is responsible for the crisis in our health care system. It has cut over $10 billion in health transfer payments to the provinces and now fund less than 20% of medicare costs, a far cry from its 50:50 cost sharing promise.
In my home town of Mission, B.C., severe service cuts are being proposed at the Mission Memorial Hospital. Over 1,300 people recently attended a public forum to share their concerns about these proposed cuts. In addition, my office has received hundreds of letters and phone calls urging me to bring this issue to the attention of the Minister of Health.
The people of Mission are fearful that they may lose core health care services in their community. This is a fear that my constituents and all Canadians should not have to live with.
I want to tell the Minister of Health that his slash and burn approach to health care funding hurts real Canadians.
My constituents want the government to take immediate action to ensure that small towns like Mission can maintain adequate facilities to care for their communities.