Mr. Speaker, did you know that we have a Pulitzer prize contender in the federal government? The commissioner of Correctional Service Canada, Ole Ingstrup, co-authored a how-to management book in August 1998. To date the book has sold a whopping 2,300 copies.
On the heels of the HRDC scandal, the solicitor general might find that he is the next minister in line to explain his actions. It was discovered recently that Ole's own department purchased 32% of those copies at a total cost to the taxpayer of $22,500.
This week's lesson for the solicitor general is to learn from his colleague's mistakes. He and only he will be held accountable for spending taxpayers' money to purchase a how-to book for the commissioner's own department. That sounds a little like double dipping to me.
A word of caution, Mr. Speaker. Do not get in the wrong line. You might find yourself standing behind the 14 convicted criminals waiting for their taxpayer funded sex change operations.