Motion No. 6
That Bill C-2, in Clause 14, be amended
(a) by replacing line 21 on page 10 with the following:
“while Parliament is dissolved, a substitute”
(b) by replacing lines 29 and 30 on page 10 with the following:
“shall act as Chief Electoral Officer until 15 days after the beginning of the first session of the next”
(c) by adding after line 3 on page 11 the following:
“(5) If the Chief Electoral Officer dies while the House of Commons is adjourned or prorogued or, if the Chief Electoral Officer is unable or neglects to carry out the duties of the position for more than five days when the House of Commons is adjourned or prorogued, the House shall meet within five days following the end of that period to appoint a new Chief Electoral Officer in accordance with subsection 13(1).”