Order, please. The hon. member for Berthier—Montcalm is quite knowledgeable and knows the rules of the House very well. He knows that following a ruling from the Chair there is no opportunity for members to ask questions about or to question that ruling.
The Chair has made a ruling in the case of this motion for an emergency debate. At this time the Chair has ruled it does not meet the requirements of the standing order.
Hon. members are free to try again tomorrow or the next day or the next. It is possible that circumstances will change and the Chair will make a different decision on a different day, but at this time the Chair has made a decision, the matter has been decided, and despite enthusiasm members are free to arrange a debate on their own if they wish to do so.
As we all know, we often make arrangements to have such debates take place during the evening. The Chair is certainly always available to hold such a debate in the House. It may be that this evening, with the unanimous consent of the House, we could have such a debate.
Therefore, this is not a point of order, as the ruling has already been made. I hope everyone will accept that ruling from the Chair.