Mr. Speaker, I think the deputy leader of the Bloc Quebecois has brought two different matters to the attention of the Chair.
The first is the fact that her party's amendments were rejected. She is relating the fact that the rejected amendments were in draft form only and had been submitted without her approval it seems. The second is that the legislative counsel in the preparation of bills could, apparently, give information to the staff of the Speaker of the House.
I think these are the two matters raised by the member opposite.
If, Mr. Speaker, those who support you, that is the clerks of the House, rejected on your behalf amendments that were apparently not—and I mean “apparently not”, because I have not seen the documents in question—formally introduced, the matter is a dead issue, in my opinion, since, if the members had no intention of formally introducing any amendments, the fact of having them rejected is of no consequence.
Second, we must take a moment in this whole exercise to look at what we are doing to all those who support us so well in this House.
I say this at all levels for the people working for us. We are creating impossible situations for those working in parliament with results that such impossible situations may cause.
To date, there are on the Order Paper, I think, 406 amendments to a bill of no more than a page and a half in length.