I am trying to reiterate it fairly and accurately because I want to point out the fallacy of the argument.
The member could not understand and got awfully excited about why we would not include aboriginal Canadians in the list of people who should be consulted. I know the member knows this full well because he is one of the most knowledgeable people in the House. He has been around a long time. I give him credit for his success in this parliament and the length of his stay here, if nothing else. He knows that he could check the supreme court decision with regard to this. I will share this with members opposite.
The final subsection of the bill stipulates that no minister of the crown shall propose a constitutional amendment to effect the secession of a province from Canada unless the Government of Canada has addressed, in its negotiations, the terms of secession expressly mentioned by the court, such as the division of assets and liabilities, any changes to the borders of the province—which the hon. member knows full well deals with aboriginal Canadians—the rights, interests and territorial claims of the aboriginal peoples of Canada, and the protection of minority rights.
That is in the supreme court decision. I read that and I listened to the knowledgeable member of the New Democratic Party going on about the government not mentioning aboriginal Canadians in the bill. I wonder what has happened. I think I know. That member and members of that party are looking for a reason to oppose this bill. They are digging a little deep. They cannot be kidding—