You are facing me with a dilemma. I intend to render my decision before the voting this evening.
It is a bit of a concern to me that an hon. member is questioning the impartiality of the Chair of this House. I know that the matters we are going to discuss, debate and vote on today are very important ones.
As I have said, I intended to bring down my ruling before the votes, but I do not know when the voting will take place. The hon. member may know, but I do not. Perhaps it will be this evening, as he said, at 6.30 p.m. Perhaps it will be next week. I do not know at this point, because I have no document or opinion before me indicating how we are going to proceed.
It is troubling, however, that the Chair be asked to tell when this will be done, or face having his impartiality questioned. It is my intention to bring down my rulings before today's voting. If that is what the hon. member wanted to know, that is my intention.