I want to thank all hon. members for their assistance in coming to this arrangement. I also want to say that with respect to the debate that is about to then happen I want to urge all hon. members to conduct themselves in accordance with the very best traditions of parliament. I would like to cite, if I may, from Redlich, The Procedure of the House of Commons , something about such a debate. It states at page 146:
The rules prescribe that due notice of motion must be given that on some future day a vote of censure upon the Speaker will be moved. It need hardly be said that such an event is abnormal and happens but rarely, and that such a motion would only be acceded to by the House if the circumstances fully justified it....it would appear seriously to undermine the exalted position and dignity of the Speaker if, in addition to his application of the rules being open to challenge upon special and important occasions, it was competent for every member to call in question the Speaker's authority whenever he chose, and if he was liable at all times to be called upon to defend the correctness of his decisions.
I commend these words to all hon. members.