Two cents. Should we give the province of Ontario or the province of Quebec another 2 cents when that has been the track record? Ontario took $625 million of our money, said it was going to spend it on health care and did not spend it at all.
It took money out of a trust account, which was being held in trust for the people of Ontario, and then did not spend it on them. For all the people who are lined up in the wards, and for all the people who are having trouble with health care in Ontario, and in Quebec, ask where the $625 million went.
Maybe that is a better answer than blaming the federal government, because we gave it to them. We spent it on the province of Ontario, but the province of Ontario did not spend it on the people. It did not spend it on the sick. It did not spend it on those people who are being threatened on a daily basis by disease. It did not spend it on the frail. It did not spend it on the aging. I do not know what the province spent it on. It spent it on its rich friends, I guess, or the $4.7 billion in tax cuts, but it did not spend it on the province of Ontario.
We are not going to give the province any more money. We should not have given it that money, if that is the way it spends. We need an accountability system in the country which will tell us where the money has been spent and will ensure that it goes to the people. Do not tell me it is about more money.