Madam Speaker, it is pretty clear that the Liberals do not care about health care. They only care about denigrating their opponents, the people who are trying to hold them accountable. That will not work. Believe me, Canadians can see through political rhetoric and they will see through that shameful speech we just heard. This is the party that just called health care a bottomless pit. It is on the record today. That is the party opposite, the government party.
The member talked about pitting province against province and causing divisions in the country and yet his government is making unremitting attacks against other provinces, such as tearing down what Ontario is doing and making attacks against Alberta. This is the government that has attacked other leaders in the country who are trying to clean up the mess it created in health care.
The motion is very straightforward. It says that we should freeze the support for the grants and contributions program that has proven over and over to be badly managed and abused.
In today's headlines alone there were five or six instances of poor management, mismanagement and shocking misuse of public money, yet the government resists giving any more money to health care. It would rather put more money into these programs; $13.5 billion is not enough for it. It wants more. It does not want to put more money into health care. Instead of defending that with logic, it simply tears down the opposition.
I see no honour and no dignity at all in the government, and neither do Canadians.