Motion No. 31
That Bill C-13, in Clause 7, be amended by replacing line 32 on page 6 with the following:
“appointed by the Governor in Council, based on advice taken from the Canadian medical research community, to hold”
Motion No. 32
That Bill C-13, in Clause 7, be amended by replacing, in the English version, line 38 on page 6 with the following:
“appointed by the Governor in Council, based on advice taken from the Canadian medical research community, for a”
Motion No. 33
That Bill C-13, in Clause 7, be amended by replacing lines 41 to 43 on page 6 with the following:
“tion (2) shall be appointed to no more than two consecutives terms.”
Motion No. 34
That Bill C-13, in Clause 7, be amended
“(a) by replacing lines 1 and 2 on page 7 with the following:
“(4) The Governor in Council shall appoint, based on advice taken from the Canadian medical research community, as members of the Governing Council women”
“(b) by replacing line 6 on page 7 with the following:
“nor in Council shall appoint, based on advice taken from the Canadian medical research community”