Mr. Speaker, three Oxford county community theatres took home honours in the Western Ontario Drama League pre-festival awards earlier this month.
The Thistle Theatre in Embro brought home three prizes. These recognized the work of Terry Todd for outstanding direction, Jocelyn Rioux for best actress and Jim Harrison for best supporting actor in the Thistle Theatre's production of 1949 .
The W.O.D.L. also recognized the outstanding performance of Tony Harding as Phil Moss in the Woodstock Little Theatre's The Motor Trade .
Two special awards of merit were given to Theatre Tillsonburg in recognition of Penny Durst's set and costume execution and Stacey Tricket's research design of women's hair.
In one of my past lives I was a member of the Woodstock Little Theatre and know the value of community theatre. The hard work and commitment of everyone involved with these productions is to be commended, especially those recognized by their colleagues for outstanding work.