Mr. Speaker, it is not only prisoners who Correctional Service Canada loses track of, we know prisoners can walk away, but what excuse can there be for missing computers?
An audit obtained by Southam News revealed over $600,000 worth of CSC equipment mysteriously grew legs in Ontario alone. Kingston Penitentiary was missing a mere $30,369 worth of assets, while nearby Joyceville Institution lost track of $167,691 worth of assets.
However, the big prize goes to CSC's Ontario regional headquarters where computer equipment accounted for 92% of the $420,000 in missing assets.
It comes as no surprise that CSC offered a training session on asset management but attendance by employees was, and I quote from the audit, “minimal”.
This week's lesson for the solicitor general is to start requiring CSC managers to keep track of both the assets and, for God's sake, the prisoners.