Mr. Speaker, last year the United Nations stated that the quality of life for Canadians living on reserves is a national shame. For non-aboriginal Canadians the quality of life ranking continues to be number one, while aboriginal Canadians tolerate a quality of life ranked 35th, below that experienced in Mexico and Thailand.
I would like to salute Leona Freed and her colleagues with the First Nations Accountability Coalition. In one year this group has brought aboriginal accountability to the forefront and has worked tirelessly to correct this inequity.
Leona held meetings for grassroots people last summer. The purpose was to hear concerns about living conditions on and off reserve. The grievances were many and were extensively documented. Many had proof of mismanagement of tax dollars, illegal and corrupt activities and electoral irregularities, just to name a few.
I encourage all members, regardless of political stripe, to obtain and study a copy of this report. In the words of Leona “unless the grassroots natives' concerns are addressed and thoroughly investigated, a new relationship with band members cannot exist and self-government will not succeed ”.
Leona, I salute you.