Mr. Speaker, I live on beautiful Vancouver Island and I am proud to be part of a wonderful country that stretches from sea to sea. I am Canadian but I also live in the highest taxed nation in the world. Like many fellow citizens I shake my head in disgust at how the government many times spends my money.
I believe deeply in the family as the cornerstone of a strong nation but watch in dismay as the Liberal government seems to try to destroy it.
I appreciate the freedom to worship in my church each Sunday but have grave concerns about a growing intolerance on the part of government and its bureaucracy for Judeo-Christian beliefs.
I have eight children but wonder about their future in a country where the Prime Minister does not even recognize the brain drain and does little to foster a business friendly environment, the ultimate creator of jobs.
After this past weekend I am increasingly thankful that I am a proud member of the Canadian Alliance which offers the only hope for the country in the 21st century. I am Canadian.