Mr. Speaker, I listened with great interest to my colleague's speech. I have always respected this colleague because she is obviously very passionate about health care and very focused on what needs to be done. However, I was disappointed in her speech. For some reason, she chose to spend the most of it in a diatribe, a rant against the Alliance Party, which is the only party that has brought forward the opportunity to talk about real, constructive proposals for health care.
I want to tell the hon. member that the Alliance members get sick and their families get sick. They want health care and need health care. They care about medical services as passionately and as deeply as any member of any other party. I urge the NDP and the hon. member to focus their remarks and their fire on the government. The government is the only one that can actually do something about this issue other than advise, which is what we have tried to do.
I would suggest that to use half of a 20-minute speech to tear down an opposition party that is simply working honestly and openly with all parties to try to fix a broken system, is a misuse of time, which is pretty unwise and disappointing.
In addition to the member putting forward conspiracy theories, I noticed that she did make two suggestions: first, that the government should put more money into health care; and second, that the government should show leadership in reforming and strengthening it. That is exactly what this motion is about. It is about reforming and strengthening the health care system to ensure that all Canadians have health care when they need it regardless of their ability to pay.
I would ask the member to focus on the solutions that we are trying to reach so that we can then put pressure on the government to actually do something. I also would ask the member to spend a couple of minutes on solutions, for which can all get behind and support and which would really help Canadians, and not just more political rhetoric.