I hear the hon. member. A dangerous offender walked away from a golf course and he says “Oh, come on”. He should go back to the office and smell some more cork.
Here is the laughingstock of it all. The Liberals came out with a report on recidivism. This guy will not be included in the recidivism count because he was a bank robber and when he went out again he became a sexual assaulter. He is not a repeat offender because he did not commit the same crime. This information is fed into Statistics Canada, out come the reports and away they go.
It is all a bunch of baloney. Every day people continually ask me if I feel safe in Canada. No. I am asked if my wife and I like to take walks in the park. Yes. I am asked if we do. No. When asked why, I say that we like to look forward and see what we can see rather than having to watch over our shoulders to see who is coming.
What does Correctional Service Canada spend its money on? What does it do? Let us take a look. Some $78,000 were spent on millennium calendars that were sent to penitentiaries. I went into several penitentiaries after the calendars were sent and we did not find one calendar hung up in any cell because they did not want them. At one penitentiary they boxed them all up. We brought them back here and delivered them to the solicitor general. I told him that the guards, the penitentiary people and the inmates said they did not need the calendars. For inmates to have calendars it just made the days longer.
Then the commissioner came up with the bright idea of spending $4 million on a plane for Correctional Services Canada. He did not have to spend that much. He could have spent $2 million on a used one. I do not know what they ended up getting but I know they got it. It is my understanding that it was such an embarrassment that they are not using it.