Mr. Speaker, it is a new day in Canada. There is a new guy in town and his name is Stockwell Day.
He is the conductor of the new Canadian Alliance political train that is sweeping across the country picking up passengers from all parts of Canada and from all walks of life. His destination is the House of Commons. He is bringing with him a new agenda, an agenda of respect for the House of Commons, for tax dollars and for all Canadians.
Stockwell Day is a truly national leader with a genuine national vision, a proven policy track record and a love for Canada.
Canadians young and old are looking for change, hope and a new political home. They are finding it in the Canadian Alliance.
It is too bad the government has been derailed by its old style Liberal politics, its old style Liberal governing and its old style of Liberal leadership. In other words, the old Liberal Party is parked on a siding and the new Canadian Alliance Party is picking up speed.
On behalf of all Canadians and the House of Commons, we welcome the new Alliance leader. He is ready to govern. He is ready to go. He is the new Leader of the Opposition and the next prime minister of Canada, Stockwell Day.