Mr. Speaker, I disagree with the hon. member opposite. I think our work is affected. I think our work is compromised by the debate and that it will be politicized. The consequence of that will be legislation, which we already have an example of in Bill C-95, which in my view was legislation in haste, repent in leisure. Bill C-95 was a knee-jerk response to a difficult problem, the result of which we are now reaping the whirlwind thereof.
My view is that the work of the committee, which I thought was going at a reasonable pace, has now been compromised. We probably will not enjoy the level of confidence from witnesses that we might otherwise have come to expect. However, I hope that will not totally compromise the work of the committee. Nevertheless, we will continue to vigilantly work at this problem. I hope we will be able to respond in a timely fashion to this issue with meaningful legislative initiatives and suggestions which the committee can put forward to parliament and parliament in turn can put forward to the government.