Mr. Speaker, the Right hon. Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party talked about the need for the government to take action and that it should not wait. When the Progressive Conservatives were in power they did not wait. They invented the tax on diesel fuel and increased it twice to its current rate of 4 cents a litre. In addition, with regard to the tax on gasoline, it increased the tax on gasoline six times.
I would like to ask the Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party if he supports the comments of the premier of Ontario who said that if the government lowered its 14.7% flat tax on fuel the oil companies would just raise their prices in kind. Mr. Palladini, the development minister of Ontario, said that whenever the government has cut fuel taxes it has not been reflected at the pumps and that international supply and demand and huge profits in the oil industry were definitely at the root of this problem.
Does he support those statements by Tories in Ontario?