Mr. Speaker, I commend and thank our Prime Minister for his leadership and wisdom during these difficult times for the world. He has made me feel proud as a Canadian. In so doing I call upon my colleagues in this place and all Canadians to unite behind him. He deserves it.
This has been a time of deep sorrow and a time of great change but indeed a time of epochal opportunity for world co-operation. We have witnessed horrible acts of terrorism and wonderful acts of heroism. We have also witnessed a coming together in the face of adversity.
There is a lesson in observing the U.S. congress united behind its president. They stand together and we should do the same. Canada will continue to stand with our American friends, but we must first stand together here as an example to the Canadian people. Yes, let us debate the details but let us move forward together.
I agree with U.S. President Bush that now is not a time for politics. Now is a time for leadership, wisdom, co-operation and concerted action. Again, let us all unite behind the Prime Minister and his cabinet. Working together Canada will be stronger as we face the challenges ahead.