Mr. Speaker, it has been one year since the Canada-Quebec Infrastructure Agreement was signed.
Municipalities throughout Quebec anxiously awaited the start of the program, and they have been eager to respond to it.
For example, in Portneuf alone, there have been 34 projects, 14 of which are a part of the first component: green municipal infrastructure (drinking water and wastewater). At a time when the economy needs a boost and drinking water and wastewater problems are critical; considering that in the riding of Portneuf, the Government of Quebec has not yet made any applications to have component 1 projects approved by the federal government; and given that there are some families who do not have access to drinking water, action is required.
For this reason, I urge all stakeholders to work together in order to remedy this situation, which need not exist, and which is depriving Quebecers of the benefits of this program.
We may think of vast expanses of water, but in my riding, there are families that simply want a glass of water.