Madam Speaker, I listened with interest to the member who just spoke. It was her final comment that particularly intrigued me because she implied that companies in her riding had only created jobs because of the existence of the CCC. I would argue that this does not necessarily follow.
Many studies have shown that whenever the government intervenes in the private sector it tends to transfer jobs from one place to another. It could well be that the CCC, by showing favouritism toward one company and helping it ahead of others, in other words unfair competition, simply transfers jobs from the riding of somebody else to hers. On balance, we have to ask some questions about whether the CCC is actually contributing to job creation or is simply just another bureaucracy set up for very little value at all.
It is with those comments in mind that I want to pose a few questions about the existence of the CCC and its mandate.
CCC stands for the Canadian Commercial Corporation, the mandate for which was established under the Canadian Commercial Corporation Act of 1946. Based on the paperwork that was provided to me by the CCC, its original mandate was to assist in the development of trade between Canada and other nations.
The fact is that things were a lot different in 1946. There were no free trade agreements. It was really difficult to trade between nations because there were all sorts of tariff barriers in place. Canada was not in the global type of economy that it is in today. I would definitely question whether the original mandate of the CCC is appropriate today. It is not, which is probably why it has such a very small role in the overall scheme of the economy.
The Canadian Commercial Corporation has borrowings of $10 million a year and the amount of trade that goes through it is very small compared to the total gross national product. Instead of granting the corporation another $80 million in borrowing power, we should be questioning whether it is necessary to have the corporation in the first place.
In its own paperwork provided to me, the CCC gives an example of one of the companies that has been supported by it. It is a company located in Nanaimo, B.C. called Eclipse Technologies. The CCC provided it with access to working capital on two occasions to help it sell retractable screen doors and windows to a U.S. private company. The two contracts were worth $406,000 U.S.
What business does a government agency or crown corporation have in helping sell retractable screen doors and windows? I cannot think of any good reason why any company should ask the government to help it do that. In fact, Eclipse Technologies should be embarrassed asking the government for help. There are plenty of other companies in North America selling retractable screen doors. I have some in my house that were not made by this company.
All the government did by setting up CCC and having CCC intervene on this company's behalf was pick winners and losers. It created a situation where a government agency unfairly helped a company at the expense of others.
Whenever I see these types of organizations like the CCC, it makes me think of New Zealand where I am from originally. In 1993 New Zealand hit the wall and basically went bankrupt. One thing the government tried to do was set its finances on a general accounting principles basis. The government first looked at the extent of loan guarantees that had been given by it to numerous companies. When all the loan guarantees were added up, it was discovered that the government of New Zealand had guaranteed more than the total worth of the country because loan guarantees were so easy to give. A piece of paper is written up and suddenly a company has a loan guarantee from the government and the taxpayers.
If we look at these things on a general accounting principles basis, we find that a lot of them are risks for the taxpayer. We see examples over and over again of how taxpayers have been left holding the bag for all sorts of grants and contributions given particularly by the government side, for example in the Prime Minister's own riding. I really cannot see that there is a place for organizations like the CCC.
Some people would argue that it is essential to have experience in writing contracts to a country like Bolivia or some other country where people want to sell retractable door screens but cannot make headway. They need someone experienced to help them with it. I would argue that they should go ahead and make the best contract they can on a purely commercial basis. If they find that the Bolivian government does not live up to the contract it signed to pay for the screen doors, then they should approach the Government of Canada.
Let us think outside the box for a minute. Instead of having a whole agency like the CCC set up, let us think about our international foreign aid. If we are sending money every year to a place like Bolivia and there are outstanding accounts to companies from Canada that have done business with Bolivia, maybe we should be tying in the payment of accounts to Canadian companies with our foreign aid instead of having a separate Canadian Commercial Corporation labouring away as the result of a bill passed in 1946 for a wholly different set of commercial operations.
The operation of the Canadian Commercial Corporation could most likely be compared to modern day factoring. In the private sector there are companies that do factoring. If I had a printing job done at a local printer and the printing company sent me the bill for the services, instead of paying the printer I would pay a different corporation which already has paid the printer minus a discount. The factoring company makes its living out of paying the printer, having the discount on the bill, and I pay the factoring company.That is really the way the CCC is set up. It guarantees payment of accounts to its clients within 30 days.
My colleague from Vancouver Island North mentioned that this is unfair because there are suppliers here in Canada supplying our own government that do not get paid in 30 days. When I was in the private sector prior to being a member of parliament I did business with the Government of Canada. I sold it telex machines and equipment. It was very rare indeed for me to be paid in 30 days. Usually it was more than 60 and sometimes 90 days. Here again is an example of unfair rules where some groups of the private sector will get treated a different way from other groups simply because they work through the CCC.
I would also argue that there is a role for our embassies abroad in making sure that people get put in touch with the right people to get contracts in place. If we use the Bolivian example again for want of a better country to choose, we have trade representatives at the embassy in Bolivia.
When I was in the telex business we used to send and receive telexes from many importers and exporters. They would ask us how to do trade in Hong Kong or how to make contact with a supplier in Thailand. We would often refer them to the embassy because that is where the trade representatives were and they knew the local contacts for those types of industries.
I would argue again that maybe there is no need for the CCC. I have difficulty believing there would be enough expertise in the CCC compared with the local trade representatives on the ground in the country concerned. I see the member opposite shaking his head so I will defer to his knowledge of the situation. If he feels that is not the case, I will accept that at face value but the fact still remains that we should be asking these questions. They are valid questions and need to be answered.
I understand that 54% of the CCC's mandate is tied into the U.S. Department of Defense procurement regulations. That has been in place for a long time and I understand that.
I would ask the government again to start thinking outside the box. We now live in a free trade environment, a global trading environment. Is it not time to start thinking more in terms of trying to get these things into a free trade agreement? Around the world most countries, maybe all of them, are trying to keep things like defence outside of those global agreements. If we are truly serious about moving in the direction of free trade, we should be pushing those areas.
A big area of commerce for the country is to be able to do business with the U.S. Department of Defense. Again this was set up such a long time ago that surely the U.S. Department of Defense and the United States government would be open to discussion about whether we really need these types of agencies set up purely to facilitate trade that has been ongoing now for 50 years.
Access to working capital is also one of the functions of the CCC. My goodness, as if there are not enough sources of working capital out there already. There are lists and lists on the Internet and in the yellow pages of companies that specialize in working capital. There are many options open to private companies.
I have come from the private sector. When I was developing my company, sure it was tough to get money from a bank. Whenever we had a new idea, companies were not willing to back us. When the telex industry first became deregulated and the banks had never seen this before, they were not willing to advance me money for that. Once I was successful, making money, suddenly they wanted to lend me the money I did not need.
I certainly understand the difficulties that can occur in business. But I still do not believe that it is the role of a government agency or a government funded agency like this crown corporation to give some companies unfair advantage over others just because they happen to know that they can apply to a corporation like this.
On balance, we are probably going to vote in favour of the bill. I just felt that it was healthy to raise a few questions about what goes on at the organization and the types of companies that it services.
Even though we have been given examples from Nanaimo, and we have had one or two from the other member's riding, I cannot help thinking that a lot of the aid perhaps goes to huge companies like Bombardier which make such a huge amount of profit. They get all manner of government moneys dumped into them already. They should really be doing their own due diligence. They should be paying for their own legal aid and their own help and should not be getting paid in 30 days.
I bet the suppliers to Bombardier do not get paid in 30 days. I would be willing to bet that Bombardier often does not pay some of its suppliers for much longer periods of time, 60 or 90 days. If it is one of the clients, perhaps it could take a look at that situation as well.
That pretty much sums up the questions I would have. As I said, on balance, we are probably going to be pretty much speaking in favour of the bill. But it does not hurt to raise these questions, particularly the discrepancies in things like the paying of suppliers, the fact that if I am a supplier to the Canadian government it is highly unlikely I will be paid in 30 days but if I am supplying to the Bolivian government through the CCC, I will get paid in 30 days. It is simply unfair.
I talked about the New Zealand case. An assessment of all of the loan guarantees and factoring the New Zealand government did in 1993 exposed the fact that the government had guaranteed more than the total worth of the country. I often wonder if we did that exercise in Canada, if we added up all the loan guarantees and the non-repayable loans, whether we would have guaranteed more than the value of Canada itself.
A better job would have been to reassess the whole worth of the Canadian Commercial Corporation and to have looked at the possibility of doing away with it completely.