Motion No. 2
That Bill C-36, in Clause 4, be amended by adding after line 19 on page 17 the following:
“(1.2) The Governor in Council may, by regulation, establish the criteria to be used by the Solicitor General in making the recommendation to place an entity on the list referred to in subsection (1).
(1.3) Before making the regulations referred to in subsection (1.2), the list of criteria, or any amendment thereto, must be tabled in the House of Commons and be debated within 10 sitting days after being tabled.”
Motion No. 3
That Bill C-36, in Clause 4, be amended by replacing line 30 on page 17 with the following:
“the applicant no longer be a listed entity.”
Motion No. 4
That Bill C-36, in Clause 4, be amended by adding after line 3 on page 35 the following:
“(11.1) In any proceeding under this section, the presiding judge may appoint counsel to represent any person subject to the investigative hearing.”