Mr. Speaker, people say that Texas is not a state but a state of mind. This morning The Dallas Morning News provides some insights into what is on the minds of the people in Texas these days. It states:
If today you see an outgoing man, with a gravelly French accent...go over and shake his hand. He minister of Canada. Be sure to thank him for Canada's contribution to the U.S.-led war against global terrorism, for it is not acknowledged enough.
Canada didn't just condemn the atrocious attacks on the United States. It unhesitatingly enlisted to defeat the people and countries that perpetrated them. It offered troops and treasure.
When its very existence was threatened, there was Canada, and in a big way. The 100,000 Canadians who sang the U.S. national anthem on Ottawa's Parliament Hill amply testified to the strong bonds between the countries.
The United States and Canada sometimes disagree, but that's to be expected in a relationship so rich and complex. On the rare occasion of his visit, Texans should welcome and thank [the right hon. Prime Minister of Canada].