I am informed by Environment Canada, Health Canada and the Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation as follows:
Environment Canada and Health Canada
Environment Canada and Health Canada are the federal departments that have contributed funding toward the Sydney tar ponds and former coke ovens cleanup. The answers below pertain to both departments.
(a) Environment Canada and Health Canada contributed jointly to a cabinet submission to secure $37.9 million in federal funds, part of a three year $62 million cost share agreement among the federal, provincial and municipal governments. Environment Canada is the custodian of these funds.
(b) The funding, announced in May 1999, was to be spread over the three years of the cost share agreement.
(c) Recipients of the funding were the Nova Scotia department of transportation and public works, the Cape Breton Regional Municipality CBRM, and the joint action group JAG, through the CBRM.
(d) The purpose of the funding was to support the administration and operation of JAG through the JAG secretariat to complete the required environmental and health evaluation and assessment work on issues associated with the Muggah Creek watershed and to undertake initial remediation projects, all through contracts with private sector companies.
Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation
In 1997 Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation provided $522,180.22 under the Canada--Nova Scotia infrastructure works program to the Cape Breton regional municipality for the construction of an interceptor sewer, phase I, in the Muggah Creek, the Sydney tar ponds.