Mr. Speaker, I will make one brief comment, since I know I have only one minute left.
I fully share the hon. member's concerns about affordable housing, and I agree with her suggestions on infrastructure and public transit in particular.
Social housing is, moreover, one of the primary concerns of the government of Quebec, which has just brought down a budget earmarking over $400 million for it. This was a decision to which there was absolutely no opposition, and the people of Quebec are unanimously in favour. It seems to me that this example could be followed by all of Canada. The minister ought to be receptive to such suggestions.
The hon. member also referred to international aid. The motion the Bloc Quebecois managed to get passed last week addresses increasing the level of international assistance to a slighter higher percentage of GDP. When one realizes that close to $12 billion is being spent on the Canadian forces, and not even $1 billion on international aid, there is something wrong there.
It seems to me, as the hon. member said, that we would be better off intervening on the international level, helping populations out of poverty, than supporting military regimes with bombing attacks that are very much debatable.