Perhaps today. That would be a good idea but there are usually clauses in the way committees operate whereby the members must be notified a day ahead of time. Perhaps the committee could at least commence an organization meeting either this week or next week in order to be ready to have witnesses as soon as parliament reconvenes.
The Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities has been designated for that purpose. It is an obvious choice given the mandate of the committee and, more particulary the estimate process and how it usually works around here. It is the same committee of the House that does the estimates of both the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Human Resources Development.
Officials of the Minister of Labour will be working closely with the committee to assist with their expertise and information so that members can, as much as possible, have the tools necessary for them to discharge the important work they will be doing in this regard.
As issues arise during the committee process it is the intention of the government to work closely with stakeholders to identify solutions. When the committee tables its report the Minister of Labour will prepare a response to the recommendations because it is important for the House to know what will happen next. Following the responses, any legislative changes required would be put forward by the hon. Minister of Labour in due time.
I will conclude by reiterating that the government is committed to fairness and equality in the workplace. Today I am asking all colleagues to support the motion to refer the review of the Employment Equity Act to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.
In the few moments remaining to me, I simply wish to thank the House leaders of all parties once again for their valuable contribution, and especially for their co-operation. The political parties have agreed that for the motion before the House today there will be one speaker per party before the motion is referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.
I thank hon. members for their participation in the debate that has just started and will likely continue a little later today. I ask for their support for the motion for referral to the parliamentary committee.
I thank in advance the members of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities for the fine work I know they will be doing and the recommendations they will be providing to the government. We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible to those recommendations and, as I said previously, to provide the legislative measures required to make improvements should any such measures be necessary.
On that, I will conclude and thank my colleagues for supporting the motion. It is support that I am seeking. I also look forward to seeing what this parliamentary committee will produce.